I had just turned 20 years old when I flew to New Zealand to live there for a year. I was determined to make the most of such an incredible opportunity and say yes to every new experience offered whilst I was there. Which is how I found myself signing up to an introduction to kayaking pool session with Auckland Univeristy Canoe Club. A year later and having taken many swims out of a kayak on the rivers of New Zealand, my visa ran out and I had to return to the UK. I moved back to Nottingham and was delighted to find out that Nottingham had it’s very own white water course and quickly signed myself up as a member.
Since that first pool session in Auckland, I have been obsessed with kayaking ever since. I have spent countless hours out on the water over the last decade, improving in my skillset and gaining experience in that environment. I recently celebrated my 30th birthday and realised that I had been kayaking for 10 years now! I have learned a lot of lessons in that time and I wanted to share my ‘top 10 lessons learned’ with you in this article.